How to Get Yourself Out of a Rut & Increase Your Motivation!

Do you feel like your days are all the same? Do you have the same routine and can’t quite achieve anything new or exciting? Are you feeling down or confused about where you are in life and what to do next?
A rut is when you’re feeling unmotivated, unfulfilled and are lacking a growth mindset. Before you get too hard on yourself, just know it’s common to go through stages in life! Maybe you have just graduated from college, lost a job or ended a long-term relationship or friendship! But if you’re at a point where you’re feeling stuck and in need of a spark, then it might be time to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get going.
Read along to learn a few things that will surely lift your spirits and help change your mindset:
- Start with physical change
Mental motivation often begins with a physical change. One of the best modifications you can make in your life is through exercise.
Take a small step by making a daily workout part of your routine. It may seem minuscule, but gives your body a healthy release! Not only that, but it also helps you build up some endorphins to increase motivation throughout the day.
Individuals often find that they’re much more productive when they start their day by moving. Some of the most successful individuals fill their morning routine with stretching or high-impact workouts that shock the body. This physical movement of the body will change your psychological state to be more aware and ready to tackle your goals for the day!
Find whatever works for you – whether it’s walking, running, swimming, doing yoga or playing organized sports – and get active.
- Reach out and make plans
When you’re in a rut, it can be really easy to feel isolated. This isolation often results in a tailspin that individuals can’t remove themselves from. If you find this happening to you, make the effort to end it once and for all by surrounding yourself with others!
The power of anticipation is strong, and you can feel your energy change just by having something to look forward to. So, you know that friend you haven’t seen in ages? Call them! Oh! And remember your grandparents could always use a little help around their house! Also, we must not forget how many activities there are in the communities around us! Volunteering at events in your town are will leave you with a rewarding glow!
If you’re the kind of person who makes plans and then has the tendency to cancel, don’t go too big! Make plans for a movie night or a morning walk with a friend. These “low-key” outings help reduce any social anxiety that may come along with these activities.
- Think about and serve others
When you’re in a rut, it can be easy to fall into an “all about me” mindset. What you’re doing and what you’re not doing. Yet, one of the best ways to improve yourself is to think about others and to serve them.
What people say about giving to others is true. Giving back or helping others will always impact you more than the people you are serving! When we provide value to others at no cost to them, be it through giving or volunteering, we reward ourselves in the process!
These actions can create a sense of purpose in your life that encourage you to spruce up your daily routines or participate in activities that weren’t previously a part of your schedule.
If you’re struggling with where to start, start by looking in your local community and seeing where the greatest need is. There are always children, citizens and animals at need that would love your help!
Final Thoughts
Don’t let this temporary point in your life define your future! You can and will make progress towards growth. All it takes is changing your mindset one day at a time.
Progress doesn’t come overnight, but making significant daily or weekly changes will help you evolve in the long run! Before you know it, you will start feeling your sense of positive creativity come back again!
Getting out of a rut can mean getting out and being active, making plans with loved ones, and serving others. These actions will help you develop a resilient mindset, and provides you with a community that will help you thrive.
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